What the Industry is Saying
About Eudora Pro v3.0

"Whether mail means business or pleasure, Eudora Pro is the best mailer on the market."
Computer Life   January 97

"If you use email every day, check out Eudora Pro 3.0. It offers message filtering, supports most standards, and beats any browser's email client."
PC Computing   December 1996

"Qualcomm's Eudora Pro for Windows 3.0 is one of the best client software packages on the market for companies that plan to standardize on the Internet for messaging traffic."
PC Week   December 2, 1996

"Eudora is fast becoming the Internet email standard."
PC Magazine   November 19, 1996

"Eudora's filters are the best we have ever seen. Period."
Network Computing   October 1, 1996

"Simply Put, Eudora Pro 3.0 is the best standalone email client around."
c|net   December 1996

"I love Eudora's flexibility . . . . . It's just the best standalone email package I've ever used."
Rex Baldazo for c|net   December 1996

"Eudora users should run, not walk, to get their upgrades."
internet WORLD   December 1996

"Eudora is the cream of the email crop."
Home Office Computing   December 1996

". . . no package deals with Internet e-mail as well as Eudora Pro. Get Eudora Pro 3.0 if you need a powerful, easy-to-use solution for managing your Internet e-mail."
Windows Sources   January 1997

". . the new Eudora Pro 3.0 delivers. It's easy to use, powerful and sports a great price."
MacHome Journal   December 1996

"Eudora Mail Pro 3.0 is tops again thanks to an improved interface, more sophisticated filters and a new plug-in architecture for third-party add-ins like encryption."
Newsweek   December 2, 1996

"You must love Eudora for (its) ease of manipulation and understanding of our innate needs as Gods of the Online Universe."
Internet Insider   November 1996

". . . . . Eudora Pro is still an indispensable part of using the Internet."
Internet Voyager   July 1996

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